Invite your friends to join Lyft, you'll score free ride credit whenever one of your friends take their first ride, and they will get their 1st ride for free. (amount varies by market)
Offri una corsa gratuita ai tuoi amici quando si iscrivono con il tuo codice promozionale. (L'importo dello sconto dipende dalla località.) Una volta che hanno completato il viaggio avrai uno sconto di $5 CAD sulla tua prossima corsa. Gli sconti saranno applicati automaticamente.
In most regions, the referring driver is eligible for a bonus when they refer another driver to drive with Lyft. The referred applicant is generally eligible for Guaranteed Earnings (not a bonus) unless otherwise specified.
You can earn $10 for every rider that uses your unique referral code. The benefits work both ways, anyone who redeems your code will be rewarded with up to $20 in bonus DiDi ride vouchers.
Scarica l'applicazione, inserisci il codice di riferimento prima della tua prima corsa. Il tuo sconto di 5€ sarà attivato e dedotto dalla tua corsa.
Promotions change frequently and differ from country to country. Launch your Grab App and click on FREE RIDE. Enter your personalized referral code* (this can only be set once) Share and send to your friend via your preferred social network and social media apps. Launch your Grab App and click on free ride. Grab's Refer & Earn program for transport services was discontinued in December 2019. Refer & Earn codes were discontinued after 13 December 2019. Previous ride rewards for both referrers and their friends are valid for 14 days after the code was awarded.